my big achievement this weekend was FINALLY cleaning my room. and it was a feat. after months of having every corner stacked with kitchen stuff or baylor apartment stuff, it is kind of amazing to see empty corners. glad that only took me 9 months. i think it was more of a mental thing though - i expected to have moved out by this point, so cleaning kind of resigned me to the fact that i'll be living here another year. which also brings up the fact that TOMORROW was supposed to be my first day of medical school. i'm starting to wonder if saving myself 60k (+ interest) by taking a year off is worth my sanity. probably not. too late though. p.s: look how pretty this building on UTMB's campus is!
in other news, hana and i went to HEB today, and i picked up the ingredients to make the wedding cake recipe abby recommended! mmm :) - winner for sure. hana insisted on the pink icing...
well, looks like it is back to work tomorrow. i REALLY hope that i love being a doctor, and that i LOVE going to work every day. don't get me wrong, i'm sure i won't love waking up at 3am to deliver a baby, but as long as i am fulfilled by what i do and get a sense of accomplishment out of it, i think i'll be happy.