Wednesday, September 29, 2010
guilt trip
- i hate when people drive below the speed limit. i also hate when people get to a stoplight and sit in the right lane even though they are going straight.
- apparently UTMB just released the details of the scholarship deal i received. even though i was offered it over 2 months ago, the whole deal was shady in that no one knew how many deferments were offered or anything like that. i guess it went public because i was watching the news the other night and saw a story on it. funny because i'm one of "the 15" - yay for sorta being on the news! you can watch the little segment here:
- julie told me about a cupcake/muffin recipe where you mix a cake mix and a can of pumpkin. i tried it out with devils food, and the muffins turned out pretty good! they were a brownie-like texture, and i was impressed given the fact that there were no eggs or oil. just pumpkin. need to try it out with spice cake mix.
- last weekend was waco weekend! hana and i's excuse was that it was premiere, and now that she is a junior, it was imperative that she visit baylor as a prospective student. not that she hasn't seen the campus a million times before. anyway, it was a wonderful weekend and went by far too quickly.
- following my recent fage yogurt craze, my engineer of a dad decided it would be smart to learn how to make yogurt. he found directions online and embarked on a yogurt making journey. he converted our oven into an incubator, had to monitor the temperature hourly, and he had to meticulously control all the variables. the thickness was right on, but it lacked the creaminess of fage. i'm impressed, but i don't know why i can't just buy yogurt at the store.
anyway, happy wednesday! hooray for only 2 more days of work. this whole 40 hours a week thing is grueling. it's been 2 months, and i'm still not used to this...
Monday, September 20, 2010

cute shoes. within reason. sometimes you just can't say no though...

starbucks... especially for frappachinos. i tried drinking a local coffeehouse's frap, and it was terrible. all wrong. made me beg to drop the $3.50 for an authentic one.

cellphone. i've realized that spending more on a phone is totally acceptable because that device remains glued to you 24/7. cannot wait to upgrade. and no, i'm not getting an iphone. thanks verizon for totally making up the fact that you were going to start carrying them...colas. must be name brand. i don't go for dr. thunder, etc. and i also don't count diet RC as name brand - you wouldn't either after 4 years of being subjected to that at baylor & having them claim it was a diet coke equivalent. FALSE. after trying to choke it down a few times, i finally transitioned myself to DDP, and life was good again.
ice cream. why bother if it isn't blue bell?
interestingly, clothes do NOT make the list. i'm not sure that i have ever bought anything full price. i can't justify doing so whenever i know it will go on sale. that being said, i can see having jeans on the splurge list. i'm sure i'll cave one of these days. those designer pairs are just so cute...
anyway, what makes it on to your splurge list?!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
lesson learned
monday, caitlin and i went to chuy's after i got off work, and she got off jury duty! it was fun just sitting around talking. there's something really cool about having had a friend for 11 years. woah, that is half our lives! this pic was taken senior year. caitlin, please don't kill me!
tuesday, i got to skype with leigh anne! (insert happy birthday shout-out to mrs. swarbrick!) -- i love skype. and leigh anne. and sharing deal-saving ideas, haha.
wednesday, i failed at doing something fun. was too busy cleaning and getting ready because on...
thursday, cecilia came into town! the future dr. benz had an interview at UT-Houston Med, so she stayed with me for the night, and i took her out for meditteranean food. we also made a little pitstop in highland village - super nice part of houston that i had underappreciated until this point. after drooling over anthro's clothes and wandering through central market, we came home and crashed.

friday, cec came over after her interview, and we had pizza, then she went to stay with her old roomies. i wrapped up the night with a batch of homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a good book.
overall, it was the best week i've had in a long time! caitlin and i are already planning an adventure in houston this week! then i'll be in waco next weekend :) - glad i'm finally starting to figure out the whole time management thing! happy weekend, blog friends!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
- enjoyed my coffee instead of my weekday habit of chugging it while getting ready
- deposited my paycheck since i crashed a mile before getting there yesterday
- organized a huge pile of coupons that had been stacking up
- floated around the pool [the one pro for 95 degree weather in september]
- tried out a new chicken parm recipe. dad thought i made the sauce from scratch with fresh tomatoes. my secret: sauteed fresh garlic in olive oil then added a jar of barilla's tomato basil marinara
- decided i owed it to the jetta to wash & vacuum it - note to self: stop eating your breakfast in the car on the way to work. the crumbs were out of control
nothing spectacular, but it was such a perfectly low-key day. i've found that after working nonstop all week, by the time the weekend rolls around, i want nothing more than to slow down and relax. looking forward to another day of the same tomorrow!
Friday, September 10, 2010

anyway, i was driving home from work and headed to the bank to deposit my paycheck. i went to change lanes, looked, didn't see anyone, went to move over, and either i completely didn't see the car or it sped up - nevertheless, i sideswiped him...

while the jetta emerged relatively unscathed (except for a dent by the front tire and a few small scratches), his buick was not quite as lucky. i made him show me what all happened so i would know when i talked to insurance, and i asked that he point out what was pre-existing (but of course NOTHING was there before) - funniest thing was that he was concerned that his buick emblem got scratched. really?! i could understand if i broke off someone's mercedes symbol, but are we really crying over the buick symbol? -- lesson: vws are sturdy. lesabres are not.
Monday, September 6, 2010
year off

4) colorado: can't believe i had never been until last august. ohmygosh: so in love with that state. after our summer trip, we talked dad into a ski-trip the following march. that was only 6 months ago, and i already feel the need to go back asap.
5) waco: i'm not sure that this counts as vacay, but i plan on heading up at least 3 or 4 times. i LOVE waco. and baylor. and my friends. and how could i possibly miss my 1st homecoming as an ALUM??? - and probably the last one until i'm OLD.
anyway, that's what i'm working on for now. definitely not the whole list. i certainly wouldn't say 'no' to a trip to HARRY POTTER WORLD. or a cruise. or hawaii. or... well, you get the picture. now off to bed. yay for only having a 4-day work week!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
you don't go to med school to be a:
2) surgical tech
3) sonographer
4) ultrasound tech
5) physican assistant
6) physical therapist
7) vet tech
8) psychologist
people have asked me if i am going to med school to be all of those things. i don't know why they don't just call it doctor school; it would clear up a lot of the confusion. everyone else gets a clean-cut school name: nursing school, dental school, PA school, law school, etc.
also interesting to note that half the people who hear the word "cadaver" don't know what it means. i've had to explain countless times that dissecting a cadaver means a DEAD HUMAN. oh euphemisms.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
wednesday's ramblings
- i feel like a work-a-holic this week. working both jobs everyday. i get home from job #1 at 4pm and have to be at job #2 at 6pm... but then i realized i'll be working more than double this many hours a week in residency. and lives will be at stake while i'm running on coffee vapors. awesome.
- i saw an old man driving a mercedes convertible today. i decided that i fully intend on having an extravagant, unnecessary car when i get old. no grandma cadillac for me. kids don't need inheritances anyway - it'll just make them lazy... well, according to bill gates at least. and he's quite the smart guy. or at least i think so.
- i've decided to try & get into a workout routine. i want to pick-up reformer pilates again... and maybe some kickboxing and whatnot
- my dad just mentioned something about a disney trip this fall aka HARRY POTTER WORLD. i'm so excited you'd think i was a 5 year old.
well that's all for now. we're mid-week!!! hooray!