Sunday, October 31, 2010
for the record...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
health fest continues
today was c25k day 2 - happily, the cough is pretty much gone and aside from minor shin splints, all was well! only problem: i have been running (if you can call it that) after i get off work around 9pm... and i get home super full of energy - not the ideal situation when you need to go to bed so you can wake up at 7am... but every time i try for 6am workouts, i snooze my alarm. so extra energy it is!
my co-worker and i also tried out the magic bullet today with success! enjoyed a blackberry/pineapple/greek yogurt smoothie along with my carrots/sugar snap peas + ranch -- note on the ranch: to avoid some of the nastiness (processing) that goes into the bottled stuff, i've started mixing a dry-mix ranch packet with light sour cream. i know it doesn't completely solve the processed food problem, but i'm still too much of a beginner at this health thing to forgo smothering my vegetables in something
i'm also trying to give up my afternoon pick-me-up: diet coke. i'm replacing it with iced tea. not as fun - i miss the ice-cold, throat-burning sensation, but i'm convinced that in 10 years the FDA (or some other agency) will release a report cautioning that aspartame has been shown to cause alzheimers in rats and consequently humans. you laugh, but i genuinely fear this & can certainly see it happening
ANYWAY, i'll try to think of something different for next post. if you're on a health kick as well, please feel free to share any healthy snacks/meals you have tried and what kind of workouts you are doing!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
i'm also really excited because one of my co-workers today said she woke up at 4 am thinking "i need to give up soda and carbs" - immediately, i volunteered to be her accountability partner! so we are now planning on keeping each other on track with our shift to "healthier living" -- because "dieting" has short-term implications, and we're trying to get better long-term... AND we have a magic bullet at work, so we are planning on starting to make smoothies for lunch :)
anyway, i was just posting this as yet another form of accountability. having everyone know will make me think twice about eating halloween candy! if anyone else needs accountability, let me know! the more the merrier :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
HC, etc

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
playing doctor
Thursday, October 14, 2010
picturesque penn
yes, they do have a mountain in their backyard. also something you don't frequently find in texas... i realized though that i have a picture of almost every season from that same spot in their backyard, so i thought i would share :) - here's winter
and here's summer! i've spent a few weeks almost every summer since birth running around here. definitely my second home.
i was just going to post those few pics from the same angle, but after looking through all the gorgeous pictures, i've decided to let myself get carried away... here are a few of my favorites my great-grandparents' house
my grandparents' house SO excited about visiting for thanksgiving! only 5 more weeks... i've never been for thanksgiving, so it is going to be fun to celebrate a 'new' holiday with the family! -- anyway, happy friday everyone! enjoy your weekends :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
things i'm loving...
things i'm loving today:
- news of the rescued miners! so nice to watch the news and not have it solely be homicides/wrecks/natural disasters
- being finished working my second job for the week and only having to go to work ONCE tomorrow
- the smoothie i made for dinner
- cooler weather that lets me drive with the windows down
- sugar snap peas + cherry tomatoes + baby carrots + ranch dressing = latest lunchtime obsession
- knowing that baylor homecoming is about a week away!
- being able to go to bed at 10pm tonight.. hey, i worked 10 hours today
- this ridiculous commercial that i saw during oprah that had me laughing/totally creeped out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CMZdw5qozM
Sunday, October 10, 2010
warning: graphic content

this was post-cleaning... looks like a huge hook!
and then of course i had to document this morning... looking pretty good. i totally decided to nerd my mom out though by commenting that i must not be deficient in vitamin k because it clotted nicely. science majorrr. what's even grosser is that i captured this pic using the "food setting" on my camera. macro ftw. and i love the fact that camera companies picked up on the fact that people are always taking food pics and came up with a setting.
anyway, we were supposed to go hiking today, but i'm thinking that plan is out...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
1. What is your most favorite thing about fall?
pumpkin baked goods, duh.
2. How would you spend your perfect Saturday?
sleep in, enjoy the morning, lounge in pool if summer, go on an errand, lay around reading, and bake something of course
3. What is something you've learned recently?
just how much it takes to run a private practice - i'm thinking i might just work for a hospital and save the hassle of dealing with a/c repairs, taxes, carpet cleaners, bills, etc
4. Do you like the seasonal drinks at Starbucks or stick to your year-round favorite?
both. but only when it comes to pumpkin spiced lattes. and even then, i probably only have one a season. generally i stick to either coffee light fraps/iced green tea/iced coffee in the summer and coffee or soy lattes in the winter...
5. What is your favorite meal to make?
i'm well-known for my pizza, but i'd pick baking over cooking any day
6. How do you spend your evenings?
depends. tues/wed i work at the Y... and the rest of the days just relaxing after work!
7. Are you passionate about anything? Why?
i'm not a terribly passionate person. wish i were. i enjoy/take interest in a lot of things like traveling, baking, medicine, but i'm not overly obsessed with anything. i think that just has to do with my personality...
8. If you were given $20 to spend on anything, what would you spend it on?
i'd save it. for real. i'm that boring. but if forced, i'd probably head over to williams-sonoma... or buy something on amazon. amazon is my favorite website ever, seriously.
Monday, October 4, 2010
pumpkin muffins
anyway, everyone knows i love to bake, and one of my favorite recipes is pumpkin bread. well, this weekend i discovered a much, much faster & healthier way to make it! and it only requires a few ingredients!
1) spice cake mix [don't add the oil/eggs/water]
2) 1 can of pumpkin
3) optional: extra cinnamon
4) optional: chocolate chips, raisins
all you do is mix the cake mix with the pumpkin & add a little extra cinnamon. seriously. that's IT!!! and then if you're smart like me, you'll stir in some chocolate chips. because honestly, what isn't made better with the addition of chocolate? you could also use raisins, but i personally find the combo of pumpkin + semi-sweet to be perfect. bake these babies in the oven at 350 (i like to make mini-muffins) -- take them out when you can put a knife in, and it comes out clean
these will certainly make your monday a little sweeter. because let's be honest, mondays just suck.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
hello, fall...
with 4 cans of pumpkin in the pantry, i got to work today making pumpkin pie squares... which i find to be 100x better than pumpkin pie! maybe it's because the pillsbury pie crust is replaced by an oatmeal/brown sugar crust, or maybe it's the pecan crumbles on top. either way, this baby is a winner...
other fall-like happenings:
- i ordered a latte last weekend at starbucks. a real latte, not iced.
- i bought a brown, half-zip northface. i might not get to wear it until december, but...
- i've been telling myself i'm going to start jogging in the mornings now that stepping outside doesn't feel like i'm crawling into an oven
- baylor homecoming is only 3 weeks away!
- i wore sweatpants to the grocery store today & didn't feel crazy
- next month is thanksgiving! and my trip to pennsylvania :)
anyway, hope you all are embracing fall as well!
i'll leave you with this. cloe has permanently taken up residence on my bed. i don't understand. she is 9 years old and has never before thought to do this. i guess she is getting wise in her old age...