i actually had a hard time saying goodbye to my old jetta - i've had it since sophomore year of college & have lots of good (and maybe not so good) memories in it - 2 trips to oklahoma, my brother backing straight into it in our driveway, that time i decided to sideswipe another car, countless trips to waco, touring around texas for med school interviews, etc etc etc ...

anyway, it was so wonderful that i decided to buy an updated/upgraded model of the same car! and i was able to let them meet each other, ha. what cuties.

well, i hope that old jetta finds itself a nice new owner. as for the new jetta, i'm totally in love. which is probably good since it'll be sticking around until i start making a doctor's salary. aka like 8 years. OMG - I'LL BE IN MY THIRTIES: FREAK-OUT. just writing that is enough to cause me a mid-life (or quarter-life) crisis!
one last thing: i'm thinking about upgrading the jetta to these rims. pretty sure they could cut other cars... i spotted this beauty on the way home from work this week

hope you all enjoy your weekend!!!