Sunday, May 26, 2013


Last night I stumbled upon my blog and ended up reading through a bunch of old posts. I know, I know, I haven't posted in OVER A YEAR now. Completely terrible, and I plan on eventually trying to recap second year since apparently I'm almost a third year now and haven't posted since first year...   Anywayyyy, I'm in the middle (or should I say end) of studying for my first round of medical boards -- basically THE TEST that determines your residency, so kind of a big deal. Also the reason I decided to go MIA off FB and twitter starting back in January... Which has been kind of amazing, actually. Anyway, I digress. So basically I've been a study machine since January 7th and will hopefully be back after June 10th with a better life update! June is going to be a crazy month! Boards, moving to Austin, cruise, 3rd year orientation in galveston, and then the whirlwind of hospital rotations in Austin begins! Frightening to think that I'll actually have some patient reaponsibilities, but I guess that's why I've been studying my face off for 2 years :)