Monday, November 15, 2010


so i've been whining to my blog friends // being disappointed when there are no new blogposts on my dashboard, but then i realized that i haven't posted in a week.... so here i am, posting so that i can feel guilt-free about pestering others to post :)

- yesterday i bought HARRY POTTER midnight premiere tickets!!! yes, i have to be at work at 8:30 am the next day. no, i probably won't get more than 3 hours of sleep before. worth the sacrifice? duhhh.
- i don't have to work another MONDAY for 3 weeks!!! that is VERY exciting.
- 4 days of work until i'm on a plane bound for pennsylvania :)
- surprisingly, i have stuck to my new healthy lifestyle: hello, week 4. the holidays are going to pose a bit of a challenge, but i'm hoping to still jog while i'm out of town. hopefully i can surive doing so in 30 degree weather!
- finally broke down and bought a pair of Fuggs. only $15 at target! and so toasty. no worries though: i have no plans of wearing them with leggings and nike shorts.
- shout-out to my friends who received medical school acceptances today!!! so excited for yall!!!
- true life: i was scanning down my mini-feed and saw that one of my FB friends posted a link to a pioneer woman pie she made. i got super excited and wrote a paragraph long comment. 30 minutes later, i realized that i mistook her thumbnail size pic and actually commented on a stranger's status. well, one of those random "we both live in the same dorm, so i'm going to friend you before college" people. yah, that was like 5 years ago, and we have never spoken: my life is awkward.
- in 8 hours, i'll be awake and getting ready for work: lame. can we please go to 4-day work weeks?

1 comment:

  1. haha, i was just thinking about your lack of posting! i put up a new one tonight and have several upcoming so no worries, simply swarbrick should keep you entertained for a while ;)
