Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
9.375% MD
we are down to a lab final, a practice of medicine final, and a biochem final. and then christmas... aka THREE weeks of NOTHINGNESS. guess who is excited?! especially since we are kicking off the break with lindsey's wedding! so excited for her and for a maastricht reunion!
in other news, if you haven't seen my facebook or twitter, i randomly decided to get a cat a few weeks ago. one morning, i saw a lizard dart across my kitchen floor. the next day i came home with a cat. logical? i'm not sure about that. but i haven't seen a single roach or another lizard since i've had him! anyway, he is a siamese mix with pretty blue eyes who i got from the galveston humane society. and while he is absolutely crazy cakes and drives me all sorts of insane, i love him terribly and don't think i could go back to living all by my lonesome. the con: everyone now seems to think i'm the crazy cat lady. and my friends totally like my cat more than me. but i think i can deal with that!
i'm learning entirely too much about my parenting style though, and it is scaring me! first off, i have definitely learned that i am NOT ready for a baby. i was starting to think that could be cute or whatever (i know, don't ask me why? must be my biological clock speaking), but having a cat has made me realize how selfish i am. so NOT ready to be completely about another person. additionally, i found myself feeling guilty for studying so much last week and ignoring the cat. so i bought him toys and a bed and other treats. why do i have a feeling that this will be me when i get older? "here kid, sorry i missed your _______. i was popping out a baby. but here's a ______ to make up for it" -- i really don't want to be THAT mom!!!
other exciting things lately:
- last night was our italian themed dinner party! all i have to say is that my friends are wonderful. and great cooks. and super hilarious. and it was exactly what i needed after the test! -- did i mention that i was so stressed that my muscles started aching, and i had acid reflux the morning of the test?! yah, ridiculous. never had these issues in undergrad...
- we also decided that we are going to have a friends thanksgiving on sunday! which has been abbreviated to "F-giving" -- kind of hilarious. i'm also converting all my friends over to pioneer woman. i just can't seem to understand why people would use any other recipe?!
- my friend Yara and I have decided to get on a gym kick. you know, with that whole bridesmaid thing coming up in a month. probably shouldn't have slacked off so long, but my life has been just a LITTLE bit busy
- super excited because my mom and sister are coming to stay with me on tuesday! and then wednesday i head home for thanksgiving. andddd NEWT gets to meet CLOE. should be all sorts of hilariousness since cloe has never had any other pet interaction in almost 12 years! eeek
okay, that's probably enough babbling. hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit! i definitely did once i saw the red cups at starbucks :) - that, and i can't wait to start baking pies! so happy!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
dinner parties!
AND we've already planned an italian themed dinner "partido!" for after the next test...
also, i had my first skills exam this week... we learned how to do the head/neck exam, musculoskeletal exam, and heart/lungs/abdomen exam, and then we had to rotate through stations and perform the exams on standardized patients... well, this braniac attempted to feel for the heart on the RIGHT side. now i'm not sure how much you know about anatomy, but the heart definitely points towards the LEFT. luckily, i corrected myself and laughed it off. even better, i almost told the patient that i felt the heart beat on the right side, bahaha.
so we started a new unit called MCT: molecules, cells, and tissues. good news: we only spend 2 hours a week in lab instead of 10. bad news: i already miss anatomy! development, biochem, and histology are about to eat my lunch! but on the plus side, we only have 1-2 hours of lecture a day. and lots of days we have even less! bahaha - i'm really not sure how my friends go to class 9-5pm: CRAZY. i complain if i'm stuck in class past noon...
other than that, life is good! andddd halloween shenanigans are happening all weekend! hooray! pro for being in med school: you can still be immature college kids, and no one judges you for it.
Friday, October 21, 2011
sweet, sweet freedom!
and i am now 6.25% of a doctor :) - 1/4th of the way through my first year AND 1/2 way to christmas break :) - hoorayyyy!
it feels so good to lay on the couch, watch tv, read blogs, and NOT feel guilty about it for the first time in a whole month!! that's a LONG time to be so high-strung! i got out of the final and was hugging everyone and jumping up and down. and like yara says, i'm not a "huggy person!"
anyway, the plan is to clean my disgusting apartment then head to houston for the weekend. hana wants to carve pumpkins, go shopping, and play :) - i'm thinking that baking, running, and sleeping also need to happen! hopefully i'll snap a few pics to spice up the next blog entry. hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
why am i blogging
have i mentioned how utmb is pretty much the perfect school for me? and how i'm so thankful that i did NOT get my way and end up at houston's med school? i totally love the people here. i love only going to class until noon. i love the atmosphere. i'm even kind of in love with galvatraz. i've only been off the island ONE day since school started, and i actually missed it while i was gone.
today was our LAST day of cadaver lab. kinda bittersweet. i do love dissecting. however, after 8 weeks in lab this semester, and 6 weeks in lab this summer, i'm a little bit over smelling like formaldehyde. so while i'll miss it, it will be nice to smell decently. and have more free time. CON: not having an excuse to wear scrubs to class on the daily. and see all the guys in scrubs. yes, i'll admit it. i'm a med student, and i find guys in scrubs to be 10x hotter.
other than that, life is good. i've been cooking a lot, have a trip to houston coming up this weekend, a "fiesta" with my friends on tuesday, and hopefully some beach time!
did i mention that as of friday's exam, i'll be 1/4th of the way through my first year?! that is UNREAL. we are like 10 days away from november. when did THAT happen?
oh and for kicks, i have been suffering from the plague all week. i have no idea what it is, but basically when i try to sleep at night, i wake up every few hours with insane coughing fits. it has been so bad that my abs are sore.
okay i really should go study now so that i DON'T have to write an 'i hate med school' post next week when i find out i failed my final... k bye!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
anyway, to catch-up, last weekend i ran home to houston and went to lindsey's first wedding shower! it was really fun getting to see her and finally help out with the wedding!
this week was busy busy. lots of class and studying. you know, the usual.
we did take a study break thursday night and had a dinner party + carved pumpkins!! let me just tell you, nerds take pumpkin carving seriously. we had a drill attachment specifically for hollowing out the pumpkins, a drimmel for more precise carving, and a probe stolen from anatomy lab. yep - it was pretty awesome.
last night, there was a fancy white coat dinner put on for the 1st years and utmb faculty. everyone got dressy and enjoyed a few hours away from textbooks!

anyway, i've probably wasted enough time now. back to the grind :X -- already counting down until the 21st!!! hurry up, freedom!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
week 5
ANYWAY, test scores are in for round one, and the verdict is: i scored above average! while the psycho, almost 4.0 in undergrad inside of me was slightly put-off by being JUST above average, the logical side of me rememebered that the competition has obviously escalated since my baylor days. my days of easily being in the top of the class are OVER. womp womp. 3, 2, 1: I'm over it. good news is, the only real incentive for being in the very top of the class is if you want a specialty like dermatology or opthamology. yep, nope. so life is good!
so this week has been head and neck week. and unfortunately, that is continuing into next week as well. what is the problem you say? well, there is an unreasonable number of structures/tiny holes/vessels/nerves/details/details/details crammed into a TINY amount of space. and for someone who has never taken a neuro class, i feel like i'm learning a new language! zygomatic, orbicularis oris, pterygoid, depressor anguli oris, epicranial aponeurosis...... yah, you get the point. SO many new vocab words!!!
EVEN WORSE: my small group guilt-tripped me into being their contestant for med school jeopardy. i agreed before thinking i'd have to get up in front of people and attempt to regurgitate all these words that i can't remember let alone pronounce. should be all sorts of amusing.
in other news, headed to houston on friday! for the first time in 5 weeks! yes, i have been on this island for FIVE weeks. we were joking about how med school was like survivor... and how it was even funnier since we are literally ON AN ISLAND.
okay, so my brain stuff isn't going to learn itself. happy hump day!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
anyway, like i said, we had our first midterm yesterday! we had a 2.5 hour written portion, then a lunch break (i got subway and ate on the beach!), and then a 2 hour lab practical... grades are posted next week: crossing my fingers :) -- overall, i felt okay. the questions are obviously harder than undergrad - they don't test facts; they write clinical questions that you have to apply what you know to try and understand. if that makes any sense...
speaking of trying to apply what i've learned [which seems like a ton for a month!]... i went to walmart today and overheard the cashier talking about going to the doctor for shoulder pain. we had just gone over the shoulder joint and all the associated problems, so i definitely asked her for the details.... she asked me if i was in nursing school: NO!... anyway, apparently another cashier overheard our convo and stopped me and asked me about an ear problem she is having... UM I'VE ONLY BEEN IN SCHOOL FOR A MONTH. she seemed to think that that was adequate schooling to diagnose her and recommend medication. i told her we haven't even studied the ear yet... fail
other updates:
- this week was crazy cakes. everyone was super focused and went into lockdown mode. i spent THIRTY hours by myself in my apartment. embarrassed to admit this, but a lot of talking to myself happened. i didn't realize how psychotic i seem to go without social interaction!
- i also SINGLE-HANDEDLY cut out my cadaver's GI tract this week. tied off the esophagus and rectum and cut that baby out! liver included! i might love anatomy lab.
- went on a night walk on the beach! i was surprised to see how many people were out there swimming and stuff. it was fun!
anyway, off to enjoy more shenanigans before the whirlwind picks up again monday! hope yall have a wonderful weekend!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
chugging along
started the day at the library at 9am - pretty sure i was the first person there: gunning! haha... hung out there until 2pm and then decided i desperately needed OUT!
after studying at home a few more hours, i started going a little crazy. limited human interaction + reading about testicles + realizing it is saturday night = STIR-CRAZY. luckily, my friend katie wanted to go walk along the beach! it was fun wandering along the beach at night - minus the random crabs and birds that were running around! sadly, that was my first time on the beach since i lived in galvy this summer. pathetic considering i only live 1/2 a mile away! but i guess that's med school for you...
anyway, enjoying some downtime before bed... i have a date with cadaver lab at 9am - woooooo.... (ps: did you know cadaver lab is open 24/7?? how creepy would it be to go at 4am?!)
Friday, September 16, 2011
3 weeks down!
we are now officially one week away from our first test: the anatomy midterm! i can't tell you how excited i am about next friday night and NOT feeling like i should be studying 24/7!!!
on the plus side, i was sitting in the library this week, and i thought, "wow. i think i might actually like medical school" - i'll probably retract that statement soon, but for now, we are only studying anatomy, and i love it! please tell me what is cooler than studying yourself? totally useful, applicable info. and i love anatomy lab. if you asked me before school started, i would've guessed i'd be one of the kids that stood back and watched. FALSE. i want to dissect the entire 2 hours straight. SO FUN. i'm so weird... did i mention that i woke up one day last week with really sore shoulders and realized it was because i had the most intense day of dissecting the day before? yep, embarrassing.
and so that i remember this embarrassing story, we were in lab today talking about plastic surgery. one kid said he would hate to do boob jobs the rest of his life. another kid mentioned that plastic surgeons can specialize in other areas, like focusing on the hand. naturally i blurt out, "I'd rather do boob jobs than hand jobs!" -- WOW. 5 seconds later and i was TOMATO red, and my entire group was dying laughing. note to self: think things THROUGH your head before you talk.
also embarrassing, i definitely woke up at 4 am one day this week really tense and focused. i couldn't figure out what was going on... and then i realized that i was studying my anatomy atlas IN MY DREAM - wow. nerrrrrd.
hmm, what else... oh yah! i started running again! i ran a 5k in march, but i slacked off running after that. now that it is cooling off and i have a track outside my apartment, i'm starting back up! i'm halfway through couch-2-5k (same program i used last time), and i'm feeling good! i think running is a good outlet to have :)
anyway, going into crazy study mode for the next 6 days - eeeek.
Friday, September 9, 2011
staying afloat
so thankful that UTMB only has half-days of class. i can't imagine going to school 9-5 like some of my friends! at the same time, i've found that extra time = extra procrastinating ;)... nap? walmart? kardashians? baking? -- it's all happened this week.
this week's wrapup isn't too exciting...
- anatomy continues... this week we tore apart the back and brachial plexus
- my allergies are in full swing. didn't realize this before moving here, but apparently galvy has massive amounts of allergens. lovellyyy. i need a frequent shopper card at walgreens.....
- held a study group at my apt last night! is it sad that is the first "get together" i've had at my place?
- first test is in TWO weeks. aka: everyone is starting to panic! i'm not freaking out yet because a lot of the material we covered this summer. so luckily, most of this is a review, but i'm sure the adrenaline will start pumping soon!
- decided to bring running back into my life! cooler mornings = super motivational! it's also pretty convenient that the track is a 5 second walk from my apartment :) -- it is hard to get up at 6am, but once i'm up, it's all good! watching sunrise is nice too! -- hoping to run along the beach soon :)
- speaking of the beach, i live HALF a mile away. and i NEVER see the beach. sad day.
hope everyone has a lovely weekend! i'm planning on studying, r&r, running, and cooking :)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
picture post!
anyway, thought i would share a few pictures! here is my lovely kitchen! teeny tiny (there is a counter and sink on the other side), but not much counter space! oh well, less to clean :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
highlights of the week so far:
- CUTTING OUT A HEART AND HOLDING IT IN MY HANDS!!! - wow. one of the coolest things of my life. i don't even know how to describe it. especially when you realize that kept someone ALIVE for 73 years. at (an average) of 70 beats a minute. wow.
- holding a pair of lungs was also cool. super squishy! but compared to the heart..
- my awesome small group mentors - one is a pediatric ENT, and the other is a surgeon - they lead our group called "practice of medicine" and basically teach us doctoring skills and how to think like a doctor... and they are both really fun and eager to teach!
- fun classmates!
low points:
- being EXHAUSTED.
- not being used to studying. even in undergrad, i could get away with taking days off. NOT true anymoreeeeeee
- feeling overwhelmed! and feeling like some of my classmates already know everything.
anyway, i should probably stop procrastinating, turn off the kardashians, and get to work on learning all this cardiac anatomy! only 3.98 more years until i'm a doctor, ha.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
last day
anyway, tomorrow is the first day of class - we have lecture at 8, lab from 9-11, small group from 11-12, lunch 12-1, and our practice of medicine group from 1-4! -- it is definitely going to be a longggg day!
tomorrow is also a big day because we meet the cadaver we will be spending the next 8 weeks with! keeping my fingers crossed for a good one! that sounds weird, but let's just say some are easier to dissect and identify things on than others...
so just for memory's sake, i spent my last day at home this morning, then drove back to galvy, shopped at HEB, baked cookies, watched the kardashians, and pretended to read over stuff for tomorrow...
hopefully you'll be hearing from me again soon! i'm STILL waiting to post apartment pics because my coffee table and end tables have yet to arrive. they are only TWO weeks late. and will end up being THREE weeks late if they arrive as expected (not holding my breath!)
ok - need to go to sleep. day one of being a medical student happens tomorrow. i still can't wrap my brain around that!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
year one!

Thursday, August 11, 2011
the traveler
i just got back to houston from pennsylvania and am entirely too excited to sleep in my own bed! i feel like i have been such a nomad lately! while flying home today, i was thinking back to one of my first blog entries detailing my travel goals for the year, and i was surprised that i actually hit most of the spots on my dream list!
this gave me the idea of doing a little "year-off blog recap" -- so i decided part one would be my travels!
i originally set out to visit: dubai, the caribbean, waco, pennsylvania, and colorado...
1) dubai: remember that time (december 2010) that i coaxed myself onto a 14 hour flight to the middle east ALL ALONE?! still can't believe i did that, but it was AWESOME!
2) the caribbean: did NOT happen. not even close. unless you count my 6-week stint in galveston this summer. nope, didn't think so.
3) waco: YES! multiple trips happened - went back for my first homecoming as an alum, ran my first 5k at the bearathon, and other random weekend trips! i don't care what people say, waco will always have a soft spot in my heart :)
4) pennsylvania: SO MANY TIMES. i'm pretty sure i set a record for number of visits this year, which is fine by me! it's nice escaping to the country every once in awhile! i think i ended up visiting 5 times since graduation? including the most recent 24 hour roadtrip there. i will NEVER complain about flying EVER again!
5) colorado: went skiing for the first time (march 2010)! i was hilariously bad. especially considering that my sister went from the bunny hills to the black trails in 2 days. pretty sure she took ALL the athletic genes in the family...
6) turkey: was not anticipating a eurotrip (july 2011), but how could i say no?! it was exciting getting to travel with my sister for her first time out of the country! istanbul wasn't bad either ;)
hoping to recap some other year-off happenings soon! also want to post pics of the new apartment (furniture comes tomorrow!!!)... so stay-tuned!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
perfectly ordinary
this means i had a wonderfully chill day! which was much needed after long days of lecture and 7 hours of anatomy lab! i took the morning off working-out and instead enjoyed my coffee during the today show. then i went to class for an hour, had lunch, headed to starbucks with my friends to "study," ate dinner, watched tv, had a chance to catch-up with leigh anne (!!!), spontaneously decided to go to the beach, and then treated myself to an ice-cream cone!
loving life without grades :) - too bad that has to change come august!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
week 2
this week has been SO MUCH BETTER than last week! for starters, coffee is back in my life! totally makes life happier. and keeps me awake. and i'm used to the schedule and being in lecture. slowly falling back into the school groove. hallelujah!
this week of dissecting has been really fun! yesterday we attacked the brachial plexus and axillary region. who knew the armpit contained so much important stuff?! - the brachial plexus is a network of nerves that start near the neck and move towards the arm. they cross and get different names and are basically a confusing mess.

see what i mean?!? -- well, i made it my mission last night to get learn this! and after some help from my anatomy atlas, youtube, and about a million practice drawings, i got it :) - not sure why, but it totally made me feel accomplished. probably because it is the first thing i've really had to study in FOREVER.
today in lab we took apart the forearm. SO FUN. seriously - the 2 hour lab flew by! once the skin and fat are removed, you just keep finding ligaments and muscles and nerves and arteries and veins, etc etc etc - so it made for a fun dissection.
i know that next year is going to be insanely hard and very trying, but i'm feeling better about it now that i'm getting back into school mode and finding that i'm enjoying (most) of the material!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
anyway, it has been interesting seeing what next year is going to be like. weird to think that i'm a grad student now. or even worse, a MEDICAL STUDENT. bahhhhhh.
Friday, May 13, 2011
steal of the day!
i snagged this pair, originally $23, for $12-something. AND i had a $25 giftcard one of my sweet friends got me for my birthday. so i actually didn't pay anything!
naturally, i made my dad go back with me after dinner so i could get 2 more pairs! each of these came out to about $10.
in other news,
- this week was awesome! wednesday i was able to have brunch with my friend monica. yesterday i had lunch with my friend emilie (shout-out!). and tomorrow my friend kate from oklahoma is coming to town! -- this is crazy social for me considering my friends are rarely in town!
- i'm moving to galveston in 8 days -- i'm attending a 6-week med school prep program. it is basically an overview of the first year's courses. i decided it would probably be a good idea to reaquaint my brain with the idea of studying. i'm already dreading sitting through lecture. after a year and a half of NOT studying, this will be a major shocker! but better now than august!
- my dad, sister, and i are officially headed to TURKEY in july! i'm so pumped! i really wanted to go to turkey when i studied abroad, but we didn't make it. we are going to spend one week in istanbul & one week on an island off the coast! so excited.
i hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
Monday, May 9, 2011
miserable monday
so instead of complaining, i'm going to laugh at myself and share a picture of the pee-incident. i had this 9 month old sitting on my lap, and i thought she suddenly felt warm, but i shook it off since she was obviously wearing a diaper. 5 minutes later, her mom picks her up, revealing this nice pee-puddle on my leg.
here's to a happier tuesday!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
but then verizon got the iPhone. and i've been holding off for almost 3 months since its release. but between a quarter-life crisis + upgrade eligibility... my willpower went out the window
and suddenly i don't know how i used to function without it. i mean, how could i possibly have gone to the gym without being able to stream episodes of scrubs on netflix? imagine, i used to watch the gym tv. and have to settle with whatever was on. completely absurd, i know. the netflix app even tells my netflix at home where i stopped during an episode so i can pick right back up during lunch. AMAZING.
and now i can take pictures of my cat whose hair is finally coming back after that tragic haircut i gave her.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
ANYWAY, that wasn't the point of the post. the point was that i went to galveston today with my dad to apartment hunt! i had been down last summer to look, so i knew what was there, but this time we were looking to sign. and luckily, we were successful! i signed on a one bedroom/one bath apartment within walking distance of campus. and while the building itself is old, thanks to hurricane ike, the entire inside has been renovated! new appliances, countertops, tile, carpet, cabinets, etc. the only disadvantage is no washer/dryer :( -- when i saw the laundry room with the coin-operated washer/dryers i had flashbacks to dorm-life freshman year! oh well - it is worth the trade-off for being so incredibly close to campus! AND my friend Yara is living in the same complex! i'm sure she will be banging on my door & forcing me to class every so often!
we did get to drive through campus on the way-in and way-out, and i got super excited seeing everyone in scrubs and white coats! i think finally signing on an apartment and getting a move-in date makes it feel a lot more real! i fully intended on taking my camera but forgot - so google/images will have to do...
1. loved seeing the white coats everywhere :) - i get mine august 21st!
2. aerial shot of campus
3. another aerial shot - utmb is in the far left corner. apparently the WORST thing about going to UTMB is that you can see the cruise ships coming and going (as you can see in the left corner) from campus... that is going to be such torture!
4. just a pretty building on campus :)
anyway, i'm off to lounge + do nothing now in preparation for august :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
since i wasn't in school this year, i never bothered to buy a day-planner. so instead, i went online and printed off a calendar. i have tons of appointments and things i need to get accomplished before med school (only 4 months away), so i decided it was time to start chipping away at that list. nothing says fun like eye appointments, car inspections, and hunting for next year's housing...
i'm also making myself wake up with an alarm clock. i've been getting up at 7:30am, eating breakfast, enjoying the today show & my coffee, and then going to the Y. today i went to a really good spin class. want to hear the best part? i looked over at the guy next to me, and i assumed he accidently spilled his water bottle all over the floor. then i realized he didn't have a water bottle. and that he was sweating so much that he had formed a massive puddle on the floor. granted, it is a sweat-tastic class, but that just can't be normal!
anyway, after the Y, the TB test, and a trip to the grocery store, it was time for lunch!
on the plate: sandwich thin topped with a spicy black bean burger, spinach, and ketchup with a side of strawbs, broc + ranch, and blueberry chobani for dessert! yummmm.
Friday, April 15, 2011
deals and meals
- first up: sports authority. land of the incredibly overpriced activewear that i can buy for 1/2 the price at marshalls. well, let me tell you, i hit the lotto here today. i found these nike shorts, originally priced at $28. sports authority had them "on sale" for $21.98. combine that with the $15 "instant-cash" coupon, and i walked out with these for a mere $7.56. that's a savings of 75% (pre-tax). WIN.
- next stop: kohl's. i have a major issue with this store because you never know the price of an item until you price check them. every single item in the store is on some sort of sale, but good luck because the signs don't match up with the items. anyway, complaints aside, i scored big-time here as well. i picked up this travel mug (originally priced $9.99, marked down to $7.99) and card ($2.49) -- i decided it was time to invest in a travel mug since i'm going to be hooked on a caffeine IV come august. and i needed a birthday card as well. my subtotal was $10.52 with tax. i had a $10 cash-reward. i paid $0.52. yes, that's right: fifty-two cents.
anyway, all that deal-hunting worked up an appetite. i came home and whipped this up to enjoy along with an episode of GLEE!
on the plate: sandwich (turkey, french onion laughing cow cheese, spinach, & whole wheat sandwich thin), carrots & ranch (i make my own ranch using light sour cream & a ranch packet), and fruit salad (grapes, oranges, & strawberries
is it weird that i post food pics? - my friend Diana got me hooked on a few healthblogs, and they document EVERY SINGLE MEAL. i'm not that crazy, but i do like to share when they are so pretty + colorful :)
happy friday!!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
fast food
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
unemployment update
- i've taken on the role of head-chef at my house. which includes meal-planning, grocery shopping, and meal-preparation. i've relegated my mom to sous-chef & dishwasher. LOVING IT. i'm perfecting recipes and trying out new ones all the time! so fun! i took on the challenge of replicating the couscous salad at my favorite meditteranean restaurant -- SUCCESS. it is SO good.
- i've become addicted to GLEE! - why do i always wait until the 3rd season to start watcing a show? -- my family got netflix though, so i've been knocking out 3 or 4 episodes a day... obsessed
- houston humidity and heat have set-in, so i've semi-given up on outdoor running for the time being... and since i absolutely can't run on a treadmill, i'm switching to p90x, group exercise classes, and the gym (last resort) -- 2 days of p90x, and my thighs are SO sore. i guess when they market something as a "shread," that should probably be a clue...
- in a continuing effort to healthify my favorite foods, i stumbled upon PB2 - a powdered peanut butter that contains 85% less fat and 1/4 of the calories of regular peanut butter! you may not find this exciting, but you have to understand that i'm one of those crazies that may very well choose peanut butter if forced to eat only one thing the rest of my life. seriously. i'm that obsessed. but PB2 is great - you can either mix it with water to make regular peanutbutter, or you can just add a scoop to smoothies, etc - SO YUMMM.
hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
an unlikely couple

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
why hello life

7) lay in bed + blog + surf the web. but let's be honest: that happens like 8 times during the day.
8) going to sleep + NOT setting an alarm clock. now that's all sorts of glorious.
anyway, it's crazy going from working 41 hours a week to 6. i think i'm probably experiencing the same shock people do who retire. it's nice having time to do things, but it is hard coming up with things to do. i definitely want to maximize this time because i'm only months away from ZERO freetime for the next decade, so... like i said, any suggestions are more than welcome :)