i snagged this pair, originally $23, for $12-something. AND i had a $25 giftcard one of my sweet friends got me for my birthday. so i actually didn't pay anything!
naturally, i made my dad go back with me after dinner so i could get 2 more pairs! each of these came out to about $10.
in other news,
- this week was awesome! wednesday i was able to have brunch with my friend monica. yesterday i had lunch with my friend emilie (shout-out!). and tomorrow my friend kate from oklahoma is coming to town! -- this is crazy social for me considering my friends are rarely in town!
- i'm moving to galveston in 8 days -- i'm attending a 6-week med school prep program. it is basically an overview of the first year's courses. i decided it would probably be a good idea to reaquaint my brain with the idea of studying. i'm already dreading sitting through lecture. after a year and a half of NOT studying, this will be a major shocker! but better now than august!
- my dad, sister, and i are officially headed to TURKEY in july! i'm so pumped! i really wanted to go to turkey when i studied abroad, but we didn't make it. we are going to spend one week in istanbul & one week on an island off the coast! so excited.
i hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
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