ANYWAY, room aside, the week got off to a decent start! as expected, i've had the world's hardest time getting re-motivated to study. completely miss my study mojo! it probably didn't help matters that i was in a lethargic trance the entire week. initially i decided to trade out coffee for diet pepsi. complete & utter fail. the coffee maker will be going back with me on monday!
the best thing about going to UTMB is having the beach 2 blocks away. one afternoon, i just needed to detox a little, so i wandered down and strolled along the beach.
this is a view of UTMB from the beach. yes, it is THAT close!
i went to walmart one day this week, and i thought it was so fun that this was the view leaving. i love driving down the seawall!
but the REAL highlight of the week was GROSS ANATOMY! there are 4 students/cadaver which means lots of chances to cut! i made the first incision in my group, and it was awesomeeeee. i know that makes me sound like a crazy person, but using a scalpel is really cool. especially since you can't kill your patient ;). but craziness aside, it is really interesting to finally get to see structures that you had previously only read about in textbooks. like nerves. for some reason, in my head, i imagined nerves to be invisible. yep, totally wrong. and the best part is, we get to wear SCRUBS! and we have to wear name badges 24/7. it's weird. but makes me feel official, so i'm okay with it.
anyway, it has been interesting seeing what next year is going to be like. weird to think that i'm a grad student now. or even worse, a MEDICAL STUDENT. bahhhhhh.