Sunday, August 28, 2011

last day

so today was my last day of freedom! until the afternoon of september 23rd at least! while i'm sure i'll have a spare moment here and there, it will definitely be high stress until then! (our anatomy midterm)

anyway, tomorrow is the first day of class - we have lecture at 8, lab from 9-11, small group from 11-12, lunch 12-1, and our practice of medicine group from 1-4! -- it is definitely going to be a longggg day!

tomorrow is also a big day because we meet the cadaver we will be spending the next 8 weeks with! keeping my fingers crossed for a good one! that sounds weird, but let's just say some are easier to dissect and identify things on than others...

so just for memory's sake, i spent my last day at home this morning, then drove back to galvy, shopped at HEB, baked cookies, watched the kardashians, and pretended to read over stuff for tomorrow...

hopefully you'll be hearing from me again soon! i'm STILL waiting to post apartment pics because my coffee table and end tables have yet to arrive. they are only TWO weeks late. and will end up being THREE weeks late if they arrive as expected (not holding my breath!)

ok - need to go to sleep. day one of being a medical student happens tomorrow. i still can't wrap my brain around that!

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