accomplishment one: today, i got to double-fist the cutest twin baby girls and had to simultaneously feed them bottles. sound easy? think again. but it was so fun and so cute and i totally want twin girls now. but when i say now, i actually mean in like 10 years. i really wanted to take a picture, but for some silly reason, i had to sign a waiver when i started my job that said i couldn't take/post pictures of the kids. lame. so thanks google images for providing this awesome picture. oh, but the one thing that put a damper on the cuteness of the moment? one of the twins decided to spit/sneeze breastmilk all over my face. thanks, i could've done without that.

accomplishment two for the day was teaching lindsey how to make peach cobbler. i slacked off and bossed while she sliced and measured and stirred. and then i ate it. and it was AMAZING. congrats, chef boss. lindsey has the picture, so it will be posted once she emails me it. please do yourself a favor and make this cobbler. it only requires 5 ingredients & is SO GOOD. the recipe calls for blackberries, but you can also use blueberries or peaches. if you use peaches like we did, use about 5, and sprinkle them generously with cinnamon. not only do you get a good dessert, but your house will smell amazing.
yumm cobbler! the pioneer woman knows what shes doing! love your new header with the cute flowers :)