half that sounds okay. bakery would be fun, minus that i would be 400 pounds by the end of the first year because i simply cannot serve something without trying it first. too paranoid about it being gross. as far as babysitting, NOT A CHANCE.

but i think i'll stick with the whole med school plan. baking as a hobby is better. i have no artistic abilities, so cake decorating is out. that, and if forced to bake for a living, i might end up hating it which would be majorly depressing since it is my stress reliever. besides, after watching BOSTONMED, i'm even moreeee excited about maybe doing OB/GYN. the resident on there is totally my idol. and while i'm on the subject, i don't think i picked ob/gyn; i think ob/gyn picked me. when i was younger, my mom told me delivering babies would be the best job. i said that was the LAST kind of doctor i would want to be. definitely ironic seeing as i snuck away from my rotations to labor and delivery any chance i got last summer... not only that, but i have had SEVERAL people tell me i look like a "gyno"... no one seems to have a concrete definition of exactly what that means, but it seems to be the trendy thing to tell me... so moral of the story: wait 5-7 years to get knocked up so that i can be the one to deliver your baby :)
in other news, i now have TWO jobs! for the girl who never had a "real job" before this semester, i'd say that is pretty good (i don't count summer internships as real jobs...) -- anyway, i am taking over my friend emilie's job as a receptionist at a clinic... nice escape from the munchkins - anddd thanks to emilie's awesome rec, i didn't have to even apply to the job. i was pretty much hired before they even met me, sweeeet. thanks emilie!!! who knew maas = networking later in life :) -- and yes, this was definitely the most flattering picture of us i could find.

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