so today is healthier living day #20... so far, so good! i can't say that i've been perfect, but that's the whole idea. instead of a strict 30 day diet, i'm going for the lifelong healthier lifestyle... and besides, old habits die hard... especially 23 year old bad habits
shortcomings (because i have to keep it real):
- too often falling victim to lame workout excuses: it's too cold, i'm too tired, it's grey's night, etc
- i slipped up on my no coke rule and had one at the VW dealership & one at subway...
- NOT drinking enough water - bad.
- not doing any weights/strength training - i've been "too busy" with cardio
- i'm on to week 4 of my couch-2-5k program!
- i FINALLY tried a spin class this morning! and LOVED it!
- i've WAY increased my fruit/vegetable intake & WAY decreased my processed food intake
- i've steered clear of fatty food at work: i.e. - cinnamon rolls, bday cake, etc - and i've realized that those store bought things don't even taste that good - they are SO oily compared to homemade
- i've only eaten out twice, and both times i made healthy decisions
- i've eaten things i enjoy, but i have learned to be better about portion control
- my energy level has skyrocketed - my dad asks me on the daily why i'm so hyper... kind of crazy considering a lot of those days i've worked 10 hours
so for those of you curious as to what i've been munching on these past few weeks, here is a typical day:
*plain oatmeal - and then i add some kind of mix-in.... either banana/honey, raisins/cinnamon sugar, or a package of flavored yogurt
*coffee with almond or soy milk + splenda
* sandwich (as described in previous post)
* cut-up veggies with ranch (made using a ranch packet + light sour cream)
* fruit
* fruit: current obsession = grapefruit
* popcorn on occasion
* a reasonable-sized portion of whatever my mom makes
* a side of vegetables
so there you have it! if you have any tips, please feel free to share! any help would be greatly appreciated :)
You're doing so great! What I always try to keep in mind is that everything is about balance. Fortunately, I love vegetables and healthy foods. UNfortunately, I also love french fries, cake, and soda. And I haven't forced myself to quit any of those things, I've learned to satisfy my cravings when they come. If I want chocolate, I'll eat a piece of chocolate. But JUST one. Because if I don't, I know I'll end up gorging on an entire bag of chocolates later. So that's my biggest thing I've learned in this healthy living journey. Also, I read healthy living blogs religiously. My Google reader has gotten out of control. Here are some of my favorites: - Angela is a vegan AND a baker