saturday morning i decided to see if there was a baylor basketball game the weekend of the 5k. well, there wasn't, but i did notice that there was one that same evening at 8pm. AND it was against a&m, aka: our biggest rival! so i jokingly mentioned to my dad that we should go to waco for the game, and he said it was up to me. well, i went to spin, came home, and decided it definitely needed to happen! so my family ordered tickets online and an hour later we were making the 2.5 hour trip to waco!
it was so fun being back - especially since i hadn't been to waco since homecoming! we went shopping, tried the awesome new froyo place, made the obligatory bookstore stop (and i bought yet another pair of the men's sweats: best.thing.ever), walked around campus with berlian, saw cecilia for 2.5 seconds, grabbed chipotle to go, and went to the game!!!

the game was AWESOME despite the most obnoxious aggie fan ever sitting in front of me. everytime we were attempting a free-throw, she made this indescribable noise. we finally realized she was saying "miss it" - but she stretched it out for like 3 minutes. talk about a human airhorn.
anyway, we WON 58-51. aggies losing = best birthday present EVER. so happy! after 7 hours of playing in waco, it was back to houston. i'm excited to be back in 3 weeks!
sunday was just a chill day...
then today i had to work... my boss brought me flowers, the office sang me happy birthday (in english + spanish) & i had a cake complete with candles!
have you ever wondered how to transport flowers?! well, strapping them in worked pretty well. p.s. - my favorite thing about my new car is the fact that it has black seat belts. i love the contrast with the tan. super dork.

i also got some wonderful mail today! leigh anne so thoughtfully surprised me with starbucks! i LOVE birthday mail!

starbucks + sonic also remembered my birthday, ha. hey, i won't say no to free drinks!

anyway, i just had a nice birthday dinner with the fam. good way to wind down after the birthday celebrations! thanks to everyone for the wonderful cards + calls + texts + gifts + wallposts + etc!
yay birthday!! so happy i made the post :) sounds like a perfect birthday weekend!