Monday, July 26, 2010

things i WON'T be doing in my year off

as soon as i tell people that i'm starting next august, they immediately ask me what i'm going to do with my year off. yes, that is a reasonable question, but i feel like there is a lot of pressure to say something impressive. and really, i've got nothing to say other than: working, traveling, re-reading HP. and that reply usually gets followed up with a rather blank, unimpressed look and a half-hearted congratulations. so since that approach hasn't garnered much satisfaction, i've decided to compose a list of things that i WON'T be doing:

- playing farmville, frontierville, or any other -ville.
- taking science classes for fun. or reading anything scientific. or learning biochem.
- earning a decent paycheck. yes, i have a bachelor's. no, i don't plan on using it.
- giving back to the community. been there, done that, put it on my resume.
- getting into a serious relationship. yes, people ask me all the time if i have any prospects. seriously? my only male contact is with walmart employees and the mailman. big no.
- going to culinary school. i wish. and people keep suggesting it, but i'm just going to cook my way through pioneer woman's recipes. man, i wish i were her kid. JEAL-OUS.
- moving out. yes i'm 22. yes i should be getting my own place, but why bother when i have free rent, no bills, and a kitchen full of bakeware? another year won't hurt. please don't let that answer fly when i'm 30.
- popping out a kid. people at my work ask me all the time if i have kids. ironic since others confuse me for a junior high kid. but since when did that ever stop anyone. isn't 14 the new 24??

i'm sure this list will continue to grow. stay-tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I love this post and I love you. And add to the things you WILL be doing this next year: visiting Emily in Dallas. Check. :) Also, you inspired me to restart my own blog, thanks for that :)
