Wednesday, August 11, 2010

top10 qualms with living at home:

10. half my laundry never makes it back. our washer = a vortex.
9. i have to park my car in the street.
8. food, or lack thereof. i shop; it disappears instantly.
7. sharing a bathroom.
6. my mom creeps on my FB & reads me my comments/wallposts.
5. no privacy. not even a bedroom door lock.
4. dramarama 24/7.
3. still being told i should be home before the sun goes down.
2. our alarm system: it beeps everytime you open the door.
1. being told to clean my room. when im 22.

then again, the trade-off is free room & board. and 100% of my paycheck going in my pocket. guess i shouldn't complain :) -- no bills in my name = traveling, starbucks, books, clothes, etc... oh and i guess i'm supposed to be saving for med school? about that...

1 comment:

  1. oh i totally understand what you're talking about. Especially the one about being home before the sun goes down, do parents not realize we lived on our own for 4 years?
