Monday, October 4, 2010

pumpkin muffins

so for once i actually remembered to take pictures for the blog, but for the past 2 days, blogger won't let me upload. so i'm sorry for a post sans-pics, but this will just have to do...

anyway, everyone knows i love to bake, and one of my favorite recipes is pumpkin bread. well, this weekend i discovered a much, much faster & healthier way to make it! and it only requires a few ingredients!

1) spice cake mix [don't add the oil/eggs/water]
2) 1 can of pumpkin
3) optional: extra cinnamon
4) optional: chocolate chips, raisins

all you do is mix the cake mix with the pumpkin & add a little extra cinnamon. seriously. that's IT!!! and then if you're smart like me, you'll stir in some chocolate chips. because honestly, what isn't made better with the addition of chocolate? you could also use raisins, but i personally find the combo of pumpkin + semi-sweet to be perfect. bake these babies in the oven at 350 (i like to make mini-muffins) -- take them out when you can put a knife in, and it comes out clean

these will certainly make your monday a little sweeter. because let's be honest, mondays just suck.

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