Tuesday, April 5, 2011

why hello life

so now that i've quit my day job (literally) & only work at the Y two nights a week, i've been showered with hours upon hours of free time. loving the freedom, not missing the commute, but still trying to figure out how to structure my days so that i'm semi-productive.

so far, that has taken the form of:

1) laying in bed, eating breakfast, & watching the today show

2) working out: spinning yesterday + jogging today

3) getting ready. as in, shower + lounge clothes + NO make-up

4) making a colorful lunch... houston decided to be extra nice out today, so i ate poolside. too cold to swim but just right for sitting outside!

5) talking to/harassing the cat. and for those of you who asked, no, it was not an april fools joke. i really did shave her, and she seems rather pleased with herself. my sister went so far as to say "she has more self-confidence" - i think that's pushing it, but... i shaved her because she is a long-haired cat and her fur gets matted when it gets too long -- and apparently it costs $60 for a professional. i'm sorry, but i only pay 1/4th of that for my OWN haircut. definitely not spending that kind of cash on the cat

5) afternoon time: the gap between 1-4pm is kind of awkward. and here is where i need YOUR input. i feel like this is the time where i need a productive activity/hobby/other. yesterday i knocked out my laundry + today i cleaned the kitchen, but stuff like that gets old after awhile. of course, i've thrown in naps both days, but i feel like i'm just wasting time before i need to start dinner. any suggestions of things to do would be much appreciated!

6) cooking dinner followed by either working at the Y or hanging out with my family. it's good i live at home, or else i'm pretty sure i would go psychotic sitting in an apartment all alone all day + night. today my sister and i went to walmart & then my dad (the engineer) rigged up a double tea kettle that would allow the tea to brew while staying warm. genius.

7) lay in bed + blog + surf the web. but let's be honest: that happens like 8 times during the day.

8) going to sleep + NOT setting an alarm clock. now that's all sorts of glorious.

anyway, it's crazy going from working 41 hours a week to 6. i think i'm probably experiencing the same shock people do who retire. it's nice having time to do things, but it is hard coming up with things to do. i definitely want to maximize this time because i'm only months away from ZERO freetime for the next decade, so... like i said, any suggestions are more than welcome :)

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